
NHS Dental Services are returning to 'normal' and dentists are being asked to provide routine and emergency dental care with and without the involvement of an aerosol generating procedure (AGP). However, this 'normal' service will be different from the one you normally received previously. Treatments offered may vary from practice to practice and will depend on the availability of staff, PPE, equipment and materials, and the advice at the time. This is to ensure your safety and that of the dental team. Please do not visit your dentist unless you have an appointment. Appointment is scheduled strictly by phone only. All patients should have their appointments arranged 3-4 days in advance. We need to assess your vaccination and Covid-19 status and for you to fill in some forms before your visit. Forms are available to download from our website, to be filled in before your appointment This will reduce the time spent in the surgery in order to reduce the risk of transmission.   

  1. Contact us by phone (or email) to book your appointment. Please phone us on Tel: 01506-671818 or email us: and you will be triaged by your dentist or the receptionist. Your will be given advice or offered an appointment if necessary, whichever is appropriate.
  2. Please provide us with your email address if possible, as all the necessary info and forms about your upcoming appointment can be sent to you first. Forms including medical history, estimate and consent forms, will be sent to your email address for completion. They will be available for download on our website too. Ideally, we prefer to complete all the necessary paperwork before the date of your appointment.
  3. You will be asked about the symptoms of fever, new persistent cough, fatigue, shortness of breath, any change or loss of taste or smell, any contact with known cases of Covid-19 and your vaccination status. Please provide an accurate information in order to protect the safety of other patients, staff and the general public.
  4. Please wear face-covering and observe physical-distancing when in the practice.
  5. We need to prioritise patients according to their treatment needs, with the most urgent one being seen first.
  6. Up-to-date information can be found at: Scottish Dental or, NHS inform websites.
  7. If you tested positive or have symptoms of Covid, treatment will be postponed.
  8. You must come alone, as close as possible to your appointment time and should wait in the car or outside the surgery until you have been called. Please observe social distancing, read the advice on Staying Alert and Safe (social distancing), if you do need to come in and wait. Only one person is allowed to wait in the waiting area at any one time to minimise potential contact with others. We cannot operate an 'Open Door' policy and the door will be locked to prevent further contacts.
  9. We would kindly ask if you could use contactless or card payment if possible, as this would avoid contacts for both the patients and staff alike.
  10. If you need to reschedule a future appointment or contact us, you should do so in the usual way by phone or email.
  11. Use 'Covid sense' to help protect yourself and others:
  12. get your vaccine when offered to ensure you are fully protected
  13. stay at home and rest if you have symptoms
  14. open windows when socialising indoors
  15. wear a face covering in indoor public places and on public transport
  16. wash your hands to protect yourself
  17. take an LFD test before visiting someone in a hospital or care home
  18. We pray for patience, strength and understanding for all of us in this pandemic.

    Springfield Dental Care.